This is the first of a multipart series, filmed aboard this vessel outbound, and aboard her sistership Selandia Seaways returning...
Port of Felixstowe
Join the Felixstowe Svitzer tugs as they berth Ain Snan, for a close-up view of the ship, and the tugs....
2011-built container ship MSC Emma arrives at Felixstowe from her previous call at Sines, Portugal. She is operating on a...
On the bright and breezy morning of Monday 9 March, Seago Line container ship Seago Bremerhaven arrives at Felixstowe, collecting...
With a draught of just 9.7m, MSC Rosa M arrives at Felixstowe at around low water, employing 3 tugs.
Tug Svitzer Deben cruises out on the late afternoon of Saturday 7 March 2020, ready to take centre lead forward...
World's biggest container ship coming alongside at the Port of Felixstowe - CSCL Globe's maiden call at Felixstowe,